
I have been using pendulums for a long time. I think I started maybe in 1999 or around that date.

My first specially bought pendulum was this wooden pendulum from BAJ. BAJ is very well known small factory of very high quality dowsing intruments in Poland where I came from.

I got it to start practicing basic dowsing skills and I was pretty happy with it until I joined a workshop with Natalia Slipinska, very well known healer in my city. She asked every member of the course to bring a pendulum for the course. I thought I deserved a new one so I went to CUD – Krakow’s only shop with dowsing equipment at the time, it’s name translated in English means ‘A Miracle’ and chose this one as it kind of looked cool to me.

This is ISIS therapeutic (healing) pendulum that has been used by many dowsers and healers around the world. I didn’t know that at the time but during the course I learned that this pendulum is special, as I could actually feel its energy whilst I was working on my chakras. From that moment, this is my main pendulum for dowsing, healing and pendulum commands. I actually made my very first video on my YouTube channel about this pendulum, you can chacke it out. The quality of the video is a bit ambarassing as it was my very FIRST video on YouTube but I hope you will forgive me. Here it is: My fist video about ISIS PENDULUM:

Sadly ISIS is a red labelled key word on YouTube so I no longer say it on my videos as they will be immediately demonetized and their reach severely restricted.

If you are looking for good all round pendulum that you would like to use for many years and many applications, look no further. ISIS is great choice. You can have it in different sizes and with different amounts of discs.

Using all of them extensively, I recommend 4 or 6 discs max as the larger pendulums are quite heavy and make my hand tired after too much work. If you want one, you can get it directly from the Polish manufacturer: BAJ website They have English website, just change language in the top left corner.

One day I meat with a BAJ representative in UK. She brought to my home a lot of fantastic pendulums. I was particularily interested in this one – HATHOR

But actually when I used it for a bit, I just did not fell in love with it. It’s energy and everything did’t WOW me as I expected.

On the other hand, totally UNEXPECTEDLY, this pendulum got in my hands and when I spun it, I just got so much goose bumps, I immediately said, I need to have it. It’s name is : The SOUL PENDULUM

It’s large and heavy and is gold plated. Quite expensive but it WOWed me so much I just had to have it. Don’t get me wrong here, I am not here to sell you anything. Today I don’t sell pendulums and I am not even affiliate with them. If you just begin with dowsing and pendulum work, wait couple years until your energy system will be rady to work with this pendulum. You probably don’t need it. Like you don’t need BMW to get your shopping or children to school. Your Toyota (which is ISIS pendulum) will get you there! If you can’t resits. It’s in BAJ shop too.

Another interesting pendulum I have been using quite extensively over the years is from Home Remedy Pendulum Set

The pendulum name is Izo-Ozyrys and has detachable tip with diffeent ingredients. You can put whatever you want in the tip as so called ‘witness’ in radiesthesia. I use it to send myself some healing energy. I think I made a video about it, check out my YouTube channel.

Belevie me, you DON’T need any of these fancy and expensive pendulums to get good results today! You can make a DIY pendulum by yourself with some beads and piece of string. I made video about that too.

This one I made with couple beads and string. I often take it with me out of home as I don’t want to risk loosing my more ‘precious’ pendulums. It works great and it is inconspicuous. People think it’s a key ring and don’t pay attention when I use it. You can start with that. I use it for pendulum commands and energy work, it’s not great for dowsing. For dowsing more appropriate would be pendulum like this:

Literary it is a shoe lace with wooden bead. It works great too and you can make it very easy with something you have at home or get a set of wooden balls from Amazon for $10. You can build a lot pendulums from the set. It looked something like this:

Remember, you don’t NEED to spend money on expensive pendulums! You can make a DIY pendulum with minimum resources you probably already have at home. With simple pendulum you can start today and gain more confidence and skills with dowsing and pendulum commands. Of course you can buy fancy pendulums, but you don’ NEED to. I hope it helps!

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