Negative spirit entities has been known to make life of many people miserable for thousends of years. Since we are proudly living in very modern and ‘progressive’ society we forgot or ignore that it is still the case. Not believing in something does not make it dissappear – it makes it hidded to our view.
Since I studied Raymon Grace’s work and books, he reminded me how often we have problems (health/material/behavioural) because the negative influence of non beneficial spirit entities.
Possession – is a state in which a person looses their control of their mind and body because of a disembodied spirit attached to them and took full control.
How common is this fenomenon?
According to Eugene Maurey – the author of the ‘Exorcism’:
1/12 regular people is possessed
1/6 people who are involved in occult activities
1/2 people held in prison
Almost all drug and alcohol addicts
Possession of a person does not mean, they are under influence of a demonic entity. This cases are, lucky to us, rather rare. Most of the time the possessed person is under influence of disembodied spirit – a person who passed away recently or hundreds of years ago and did not go to ‘the other side’ – heaven/purgery or hell – depending on your bielief system. These souls are still aroud living people and looking for things they were used to or addicted to.
How people get possessed?
The easiest way to get possessed is to get intoxicated by drug or alcohol. When you loose your consciousness in a pub, there are spirits who just wait for the occassion to cling to a person, as they want again to feel the alcohol they so much crave. You can get a spirit during operation in a hospital – when they give you drugs that make you sleep – you are very vulnerable to spiritual attack, and there are usually a lot of disembodied spirits in the hospital – from all those who died and did not go to ‘the other side’. You can get an ‘unwanted lodger’ when you have an accident and loose your consciousness for a moment; a simple fall from a tree could end up in spirit possession.
What are the symptoms of a possessed person?
According to Eugene Maurey the symptoms of the possession are similar to schizophrenia:
- atisocial behaviour
- great negativity
- depression
- neglecting body and home
- serious health problems (inherited from the spirit)
For instance, if a deseased relative connects to a person from their family, they get their cravings, personality traits and even deseases they died for. This example is actually quite interesting as we all like to call/connect with our deseased ancestors – we might invite them in and have all the problems they had when they were alive. Not a good idea! Don’t ever participate in inviting a spirit of your dead family member unless you feel like your life is too
How to remove the spirit possession?
For centuries there were people specialising in this kind of work and probably the most known case is Jesus himself. There were priests and friars in the church specialising in this kind of work. From the cases we know – all the exorcisms they were doing in the presenc of the possessed person. This is most dangerous thing to do as they might be attacked by the spirit.
Much more safe and much quicker is to ’employ’ the help of positive spiritual beings – we often call – the spirit guides. They live ‘on the other side’ and they are willing to help us with this job. This is the method I prefer and I learned from Eugene Maurey and Raymon Grace. I might do a video soon to explain it in a detail.
To order a Distance Exorcism
You can order a Distance Exorcism here: