Finally I managed to update and expand my best selling e-book “Spin and Grow Rich”. It is now discontinued. From today you have much more information, much better explained and illustrated. Check it out! You can get a PDF file e-book from my shop here or purchase a hard copy from on Amazon US or Amazon in your specific country (search for the title: Change Your Life Using Pendulum Commands)
All you want to know about this book is in this video:
In the next video I show you how you can activate your book (printed copy) to use it as a prosperity magnet. It’s very simple! You can keep it on your desk to activate the vibration of prosperity in your space. As like attracts like – as we know from the Law of Attraction – the book will automatically draw more prosperity to you. Try it and let me know how it works!
If you think the techniques and information in this book could help you improve your prosperity, success and wellness – you can get it from my shop (PDF e-book) or soft cover version on Amazon